Brand Positioning

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Brand Positioning

The brand positioning picks up on all the brand elements in the brand worksession. We develop the key Brand Nucleus (R) and ensure the resulting words are carefully chosen, to give the brand both energy and direction. Over time the Brand Nucleus have now become the focus of key parts of the brand chain, from the manufacturing process to the advertising slogans, so they can only be the result of honest, thorough and robust analysis from the team.

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Brand Models

The brand models can vary – ours have been adapted but not changed for twenty years. They work.

They ensure the thinking is simple and direct, but importantly single minded. They have been used to train future brand thinkers and graduates. They demand brutal honesty. At Saatchis  – that is how we were trained.

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For some brands  – audiences require a single positioning with different messages or statements. i-dbrand are wary of providing any creative team with too many. These need to be very specific and consistent to work.

The basis of a good positioning come from the realtionship of the universal truth and the brand truth, which should lead naturally to your brand positioning. Remember this is not a brand line and will only be used by the commercial and marketing teams. The words are not suitable for your consumers.


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i-dBrand’s approach to brand positioning is to be disruptive and to take the client through a series of workshops which tease out the value proposition and identify disruptive new ares for growth.
